Trivium have been a long standing force in metal. They might not sell out stadiums, but the energy and live show not only melt the faces of current fans, but gain new ones as well.
Stone Temple Pilots Live from the Fillmore
The Stone Temple Pilots performed with Chester Bennington of Linkin Park at the Fillmore in San Francisco, CA.
The Black Keys Rock The Riverfront
The Black Keys have become a powerful force in the modern rock world. The throwback style sound and lyrics are a fresh breath of air for fans.
In This Moment Captivates Syracuse
In This Moment has taken the rock scene by storm. Not only have they scored numerous hits on iTunes & radio, but their shows have grown from clubs to arenas.
Modest Mouse in New York
Modest Mouse has a somewhat cult following. When you meet a Modest Mouse fan – they typically a BIG fan.